Time With the Realtor Again

Josh called the other day and asked if we would go through a house he and Shelley are interested in. Basically, they wanted Steve's advice as I have no clue what might be needed or costs involved.

Shelley was at work so Steve and I rode in Jay's truck with him and the kids. Josh had to wake Cambria up so she was hungry from that point on. I sat in the back next to her so I fed her a bottle while Josh drove us to the house.

She is such a sweetheart, I just love her. She slurped the milk right down and by the time we got to he house (which wasn't far), she had already chugged down the whole bottle, practically. I'm still fighting the pounds and it seems like the pounds are winning, think I'll look into some diet pills.

The house was pretty neat. I'd really like to see them get this house. It does have some things that need to be worked on, so Josh will get some estimates first before any bidding is involved. It is a three bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home with a 2 car garage which is attached to the house.

I'll let ya know if they decide to try to get this one or not. They've been looking at houses for quite a while. I'd best get, still need to do my thing at the Y while I'm here. Halfmoon