A Little Hope

I called Emily again and was surprised when she answered. She told me she was waiting for workers comp to answer her questions before she returned my call. I explained the frustration I feel when I see Dr. Simon. He never asks how the pain affects me daily and nightly, he only asks where the most severe pain is and deals with that. He also went off about fibro myalgia and the letter he received from the workers comp lawyers. I told Emily I have never complained about fibro myalgia to him. Yes, I have it and have had it since my car accident, however if I go to warm water therapy (arthritis classes) it keeps it at bay.

Emily suggested we get a second opinion from another pain control physician of which I whole-heartedly agreed. She also said she would approve a referral to an orthopaedic surgeon to see if there is a way to correct the low back, hooray!

Finally she said she would check with workers comp to see if she could keep me on employment. I'm not sure what that would mean but I hope it would mean not cutting my pay and then I could keep having insurance. Pretty exciting if it happens! Halfmoon